MileIQ - Top 5 Questions

Why is all or some of my mileage not importing into my Mileage Log?

Generally this is caused by not having a vehicle associated with one or more drives in MileIQ. The easiest approach is to setup your primary vehicle in MileIQ so that your vehicle is always associated with your drives.

In the MileIQ App:

  1. Go to Menu > Account Settings > Vehicles.
  2. Tap Add Vehicle.
  3. Enter your vehicle's details and ensure Primary Vehicle is turned on. Each drive will now automatically be associated with this vehicle.

In the Web App (i.e. from Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc.):

  1. From the MileIQ Dashboard, go to Settings > Vehicles & Odometer
  2. Click Add New Vehicle.
  3. Enter your vehicle's details and ensure Primary Vehicle is set to Yes. Each drive will now automatically be associated with this vehicle.

To learn more about managing vehicles with MileIQ, check out How To: Add Vehicles and Odometer Readings by our friends at MileIQ.

The mileage shown in the Mileage Log seems less than expected, why is that?

If you have a vehicle setup and associated with your drives (see above), then you may have unclassified drives in MileIQ. The following video from our friends at MileIQ helps provide an overview of classifying drives within the MileIQ app. If you want to read more about classifying drives, see How to: Classify Drives also by MileIQ.

Why did I get an invalid email or password error when authorizing the mileage transfer?

Double-check that you are using the email address and password that you used to signup with MileIQ and not the email address and password that you use to login to If you are still having trouble, try resetting your MileIQ password and try again.

I transferred my mileage, but I made some changes in MileIQ. How do I update the Mileage Log with those updates?

You can run the import process anytime you wish to update your mileage in the Mileage Log. Check out the Logging Mileage: MileIQ document in our Quick Start guide to learn more about the import process.

How do I see my imported mileage in the Mileage Log?

When the import is completed, simply select the Year and Month from the Mileage Log header and your MileIQ drive information that was imported into the Mileage Log will be displayed.

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